Owners Comments:
Ben is used as a top class hill dog at Hendre Owen Farm where his value, working upwards of fifteen hundred ewes and lambs and a 150 or so suckler cows, cannot be overstated. Add to this the fact that he has been supremely competitive on the trials field, winning more Open trials than Richard can remember, to go along with his impressive National and International resume. 1999-6th in the Welsh National and 7th in the Supreme Championship.
2002 5th in the World Trial and the winner of the One Man And His Dog televised trial; 2003 Reserve Supreme Champion and International Outwork Champion, and you have one of the greatest work dogs of the last decade.
Ben is producing quality hill and trial dogs to a variety of bitches. Taddymoor Cap, a Ben son, was placed in the top ten at the 2004 Supreme Championship and is a multiple Open trial winner; Richard Millichap's Lad, another Ben son, is also a multiple Open trial champion. Both will represent Wales at the coming World Championships in Ireland in July.
Microchip - 9810000000398214
Ordering Information
In most cases the semen will be sent in a 12 Kgs dry shipper. The shipper costs over £1000, so to keep transport costs to a minimum we will hire the shipper from the storage Veterinary clinic on your behalf. The shipping quote will include the tank and semen plus the return flight of the tank to the Vets. The semen is safe for up to 21 days using this method should there be any hold up in transit due to weather or Customs. In some cases the semen can be sent using a disposable shipper. This keeps the semen frozen for 4 days and can be used on short trips if we are confident the shipping company can deliver with no hold ups.
The semen is stored with different Vets due to where the dogs were collected. In some cases we can join other shipments to share transport costs. If we know of another shipment that you could join it may incur moving the semen by courier across Britain to the shipping Vet. The usual cost of this service is around £100 (Sterling) but it could save you twice this amount in shared shipping.
All semen collected and offered for sale on Come-Bye is expertly taken and frozen by competent specialist Veterinarians. At no time is it interfered with and is kept within the confines of each practice. All storage tanks are checked regularly and inspected by professional companies. The semen is of top quality and not offered for sale if the Vet has any doubts.
If there isn’t a dog which you like on the register please feel free to ask about any you would like collecting from.